

French Toast in a Cup

In case you guys missed my guest post at Diddles & Dumplings last week, here's the
delicious recipe I shared...

French Toast in a Cup
2 pieces of bread {whatever kind you like!}
1/2-1 egg {depending on how eggy you like it. I used 1/2 an egg because I'm picky about textures…}
3 tbsp. milk
sprinkle of cinnamon
a drop of vanilla {optional}

Cube your bread and butter the inside of a coffee cup. 

Place the bread inside the coffee cup of you choosing…

In a separate bowl, mix the egg, milk, cinnamon, and vanilla.

Mix it all together with a fork and pour it into the cup.

Smoosh it down a little {but not too much. You want your bread to soak it all up!} and give it a minute to soak.

Stick your cup in the microwave. Start with a minute and add 10 seconds until it's cooked just how you like it. 

Bon Appetite! 


  1. Hey, Sophie!

    This looks spectacular and is making my mouth water :)
    The photo is magnificent - your photography skills are extraordinary!

    God bless!

  2. Cube bread and butter? Didn't say how much butter

    1. Cube bread, and butter the inside of a coffee cup

  3. Just enough to coat the inside of the cup, guys.

  4. This is delicious! Plus, since it doesn't have sugar or honey, it only has a tiny amount of butter, and I used whole-wheat bread I don't feel guilty about my indulgence! Thank you so much.

    To anybody trying this, I recommend you take out your bread 24 hours beforehand so it gets stale. It'll soak up all the liquid really nicely and French Toast was actually created as a way to save bread that had gone bad.


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