

puffy peanut butter m&m cookies

Lately, I've found myself in a seriously full-blown photo rut. Let me tell ya. It ain't fun.

Awhile ago, I was in love with how my photography was turning out, but then all of a sudden it was like "dude. whoa. whaaaaat happened."

People always say "you can never get worse. you can only get better."

Well, look at me, guys! Breaking trends and conquering the impossible. Just call me… WONDERFUL-COOKIE-MAKER-WOMAN.

Saving the world… One fat, wrinkly cookie at a time.

Haaaaardy haaar… haaar… har.

Dear people.

If you every find yourself in the same rut as me- walking around the entire house looking for a room with good lighting and even resorting to taking pictures ONAFREAKINGBED- well maybe that part's just me- but anyways. I was saaaaaaaaying.

If you ever have issues with light, go outside. It works MA.GIC.

For these cookies, uhh… I took a hundred and fifty nine photos. Yes, 1-5-9. Hashtag- foodbloggerprobs.

The first hundred and eight I took inside, uploaded them to the computer, edited them, uploaded them to my blogpost, decided I hated their stinking guts, deleted them, and then proceeded to whine a little bit like a three year old.

Then I manned up, trotted outside, and took fifty one more. 

When I was taking pictures outside, my dog came with, hoping I'd find his chubby little face so irresistible {which I do.} and give him human food{which I didn't.}. HA. Suckaaaah. He got no cookies, but sat by the table, stared at the plate of cookies, and licked his lips over. and over. and over. and over again. 

Well. I'm still not in love with these photos, but they did turn out better than the first hundred and eight. 

It's been a long day, I have packing to do for a little weekend trip with our missions team, I have studying to do, it's 3:30 and I'm still in my pajamas, and I probably should go for a run. 

So no more picture taking for me! An hour and a half for five pictures is good, thanks. 

Oh yah, and cookies! I made some. They're fat and wrinkly just how I like 'em. 

Like I said, we're going away on a little "retreat" with our team and I'm so excited to have some time away and do some relaxing. And sleeping. 

My mom said I could bake something to bring along and I figured why the heck not make some cookies. 

Puffy, chewy peanut butter cookies studded with some crunchy peanut M&M's. 

Do you need anymore convincing? 

I think not. 

Excuse me while I go run off all those "taste-tests."

puffy peanut butter m&m cookies

1/2 c. butter, softened
3/4 c. creamy peanut butter
2 large eggs
2 tsp. vanilla extract
1 c. dark brown sugar
1/2 c. white sugar
1 c. all-purpose flour
1 c. cake flour
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
3 tsp. cornstarch
1 1/4 c. peanut m&ms

In a large bowl, combine butter, peanut butter, and eggs. Stir in sugars until smooth. Add flours, baking soda, salt, and cornstarch. Mix until combined. Form into a ball, wrap in plastic wrap, and refrigerate for 3 hours or overnight. When you're ready to bake the cookies, reheat oven to 375ºF and grease a cookie sheet. Roll chilled cookie dough into balls about 1 1/2 tablespoons each. Press down with your palm or a spoon. Press 4-5 m&ms on top of each cookie. Bake for 10-15 minutes or until golden brown. Let cool and remove to a wire rack.


  1. I can't believe you had the patience to sort through 159! haha My time is always so limited b/c I have to take them when I get home from work. There's rarely good light. I always love your pictures though :)

  2. I take pictures almost exclusively outside for my posts. The lighting is just so perfect once there's a shadow over my porch! I never have the patience for more than 20 photos, and that's pushing it! Props to you for sorting through 159. Those cookies look so good! I'm always up for anything that combines peanut butter and chocolate!

  3. 159? That's impressive. And I thought 20 was excessive:). Now I can tell my non I'm not as picky as she thinks I am. These look great! I'm new to your blog and SO excited to explore! I know you've probably heard this, but it's neat seeing a homeschooler/foodie/blogger (I'm one too)!


Thanks so much for taking a moment or two of your time to leave a comment! I love 'em!