

stuff 'n things {no.2}

// I was super duper shmooper excited when I saw a sign in town a couple weeks ago advertising a farmers market the first Friday of every month. This morning, I decided to walk into town and check it out, only to find about 5 tents selling biltong and pastries that didn't look all too appetizing… Honestly, I'm not surprised one iota. No fresh produce. So on the way home, I meandered my way into the grocery store to pick up some fruit. So happy strawberries are in season now!!!

// Ok, so I may or may not have forgotten to add to this post throughout the week. Hence why this week's is so short. My apologies. {P.S. Do you guys even like the idea of these weekly posts? Let me know, puhhleeeeeezzeeeee.}

// Oh, so here's a weird little factoid fooo yooo noggin. While I was listening to the radio in the kitchen the other day {American radio!! There's an app ferr dat.}, they were doing a little thing, asking callers if all these name brands in food were actually real people or made up for marketing. DID YOU KNOW BETTY CROCKER ISN'T A REAL PERSON? How sad is that! Maybe not sad to you, but when I hear of Betty Crocker, I think of a cute little old grandma in the kitchen, wearing a vintage apron, and baking up a pecan pie. Turns out… SHE DOESN'T EXIST. This is a sad, sad world we're living in.

// I probably eat salads in some way, shape, or form for at least one meal a day. This week, I noticed the veggie drawer was overflowing with the good stuff. I made a salad that would last me a couple meals out of shredded red cabbage, shredded carrot and cucumber, spinach, green bell peppers, and avocado. I took out the big tub and ate leftovers for lunch mixed with homemade hummus and chicken. SO GOOD. My brother stared at me with enlarged eyeballs and said "You're eating ALL of that?" Why yes, little brother. This girl loves her veggies.

// the other day, I was just thinking how thankful I am that I can run here. Pretty sure if we lived in almost any other country in Africa, it wouldn't be safe enough for a white chick to go prancing around on her own. Running is my therapy {aside from baking and eating. funny how they balance each other out… ha.}, and it's my thing I do to get out of the house and have some "me time". Some days I'd lose my mind without it.

Around the interwebs… 
// these brownie ice cream sandwiches. I couldn't tear eyeballs away from the computer screen. 

// chocolate almond butter cups. Hubba hubba. 

// Well whoa. These cookie dough millionaire bars.

// 'Sup brown butter lobster bacon crispy kale fontina pasta. 'Nuff said.

// brown butter cream cheese apple cake. Every single word of that makes me drool a little more.

// these banana nut waffles are calling me. I can hear it.

// skinny gluten free double chocolate fudge banana muffins. They're healthy which obviously means you can eat the whole batch! *happy dance*

// Cherry Buttermilk Pancakes with Chocolate Drizzle and Sea Salt… All I want in this life is pancakes. Amen.

// sweet potato, ginger, and chocolate chip muffins. YERRRRM.

// I need these homemade chocolate fudge poptarts in my face. Now. 

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it such a disappointment to turn up to a farmers market to find there is hardly anything there. I hate it.


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