

{healthy} banana nut muffins

I love muffins. No doubt about it! They have to be one of my favorite baked goods that come out of my oven…

I adore them so much that I actually have a Pinterest board devoted solely to muffins; the loves of my life.

I've been craving banana nut muffins for some time now… So last week, I secretly stuck two bananas into my baking cupboard to save JUST for these.

It's for your sake, people. If I hadn't rescued those bananas, they would have been devoured in no time by those little monsters called my brothers. They're banana obsessed, I kid you not.

We have a girl's bible study {or at least try to. We've only had one so far. And that's when I made these Coffee Cake Muffins…} at our house every Saturday morning, and I just love to bake for them!

So this morning, I decided to whip out those bananas in captive, and turn the muffin recipe into something a little healthier, using yogurt in place of milk, and also using a little bit of whole wheat flour. 

The yogurt makes them SOOOO good, resulting in a light and fluffy muffin. I like light and fluffy muffins… Don't we all? I think yes. 

And since they're healthy, I shouldn't feel bad about eating like half most of the batter, right? Right! 

I'm making a goal to eat healthier this week. Crazy, I know. I did pretty good last week and I worked out every other day because I need breaks in between. When I did do my workout, I did a 2 and a half mile run paired with some good ab and arm strengthening. 

I'm hoping to bring you some healthier recipes this week! I have two scrum-diddly-uptious recipes floating around my baking brain. Yah, I have a brain that's just for baking. Cool, huh? I know. 

{healthy} banana nut muffins
1 1/2 c. all purpose flour
1/2 c. wheat {or you could sub the wheat and just use 2 cups AP flour}
1/2 c. sugar
1 tbsp. baking powder
3/4 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
1/2 tsp. salt
1 1/2 c. plain greek yogurt {or sub for 1 cup of milk}
2 SUPER RIPE bananas, mashed {I use a potato masher}
1/4 c. melted butter
1 egg
1/2 c. chopped walnuts
In a large bowl, combine the flours, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt. Make a well in the center.
In a small bowl, combine the milk, mashed bananas, butter, and eggs.

Add to the well in the flour mixture. Add nuts. 

Stir dry ingredients until moistened. Spoon mixture into a greased or lined muffin tin, filling each 3/4 full. 

Bake at 400ºF for 18-20 minutes or until the edges are golden brown and a toothpick inserted comes out clean. Cool 5 minutes in pans then remove and cool on a wire rack. 

Have a spectaculous week! 
Love muffins, 


  1. Those are gorg Sophie! Love banana muffins.

  2. Banana muffins that are light and fluffy are my favorite!!! Yours look great!!! Haha to hiding the bananas from your brothers...I hide stuff in my house too:-)

  3. Mmmm muffins! (Love the "captive banana's" haha!) Would love for you to link up to my Pin It Thursday party--

  4. Yum I love banana muffins. I have a couple of banana that I've been saving for banana bread but I think I'm going to try these instead. Thanks for sharing on Whatcha Whipped Up!

  5. I made this recipe today and it came out HEAVENLY! I substituted coconut oil instead of butter and I added some vanilla. I also reduced the sugar to 1/4 cup. The muffins are moist and delicious!!!!!!!

  6. These were easy to make and absolutely delicious! I cannot wait to try out more of your recipes!


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