

Cake Batter Bark

Oh my goodness. I haven't posted in awhile. EEEEEEEK! At least Dorothy stopped on over and shared some deliciousness yesterday. Yay for guests! :)

Anyways. As we all know, white chocolate + cake mix + lots and lots of sprinkles = happiness.

Oh and umm did I mention you can whip up this sweet treat in like… 2 minutes? Plus setting time of course but even that takes not long at all.

So since I had some cake mix left over from those cake batter blondies {aka cake batter crack} I decided to throw it into a version of my favorite Christmas treat… Why not?! I've made cookies, blondies, and truffles… and now cake batter bark! BOOM SHA KA LA KA!

I still have like half of a box of cake mix left and I don't know what to do with it! Maybe I should just use cake mix for what it's for… a cake. Who am I kidding? I'll find something. Pinterest to the rescue!!!

Cake Batter Bark
2 c. white baking chocolate
dash of vanilla {optional}
2-2 1/2 tbsp. white/yellow cake mix {depending on how cake-battery you want it}
1 1/2 tbsp. sprinkles

Melt the white chocolate for 30 second intervals mixing in between. Take it out when it's smooth but still some chunks left. Just keep mixing it and the clumps will work themselves out. 

Add in the vanilla and cake mix. Mix until smooth. 

Spread out the mix onto a cookie sheet with parchment paper/wax paper on top. Top it off with your sprinkles of choice. Let it sit out until set. Then break it up and store in airtight container and refrigerate. 

What are some of your favorite cake batter recipes? 


  1. I have, currently, three boxes of opened cake mix and one brownie mix in my pantry, all waiting for me to use in yummy treats like this! Delish!

  2. This is BEAUTIFUL!! I love having a box of cake mix in my pantry specifically for cake batter recipes only. Um, hellooooooo, it comes in handy for gorgeously delicious things like this!

  3. This looks so fun and delicious!!!

  4. I need to make this! It looks so fab - I never would have thought of using cake mix in bark. Pinned!

  5. Yummm, this reminds me of funfetti cake (my fav)! Would love for you to link up at my Pin It Thursday party--

  6. Sounds awesome! I'll be making some to take to the family reunion tomorrow!

  7. Sounds awesome! I'll be making some to take to the family reunion tomorrow!

  8. Sounds awesome! I'll be making some to take to the family reunion tomorrow!

  9. Sounds awesome! I'll be making some to take to the family reunion tomorrow!

  10. Sounds awesome! I'll be making some to take to the family reunion tomorrow!


Thanks so much for taking a moment or two of your time to leave a comment! I love 'em!