

Lemon Raspberry Sorbet

Guess what? I fried food successfully last night… It was pretty much a godsent miracle. 

My mom and I wanted to have fish tacos. So I suggested frying the fish. She left that part up to me. Win!

At first I was sort of scared for my life… Ya know. Oil flying, flour dripping. Nothing pretty. But the result was pretty. Beautiful, actually.

Golden crispy fried fish filets. Goodness gracious, me oh my. It was totally worth the trouble. And really, it wasn't even that hard minus the fact I was scared of losing a finger and boiling to my death.

Since I successfully fried edible goodness, I'm pretty positive I can fry anything… Apple fritters, chicken, DONUTS. I see those babies comin' in the near future.

I ended up getting super hyper… Good food gets to me.

I asked my mom "Does fish have caffeine in it?" "Umm… no." "Are you sure?" "I'm pretty sure."

I don't believe it though.

I was so excited, I was prancing across my kitchen, dancing to Owl City and a little bit of Maroon 5, singing into the tongs like a goon. Awesome right? I'm a beast, I know.

Ok enough fish talk. Let's talk sorbet. This stuff is good. Like really good. Like "Holy moly. Get me a shovel!" good. OR… "GET ME A DUMP TRUCK OF THIS STUFF!"

I need to ask you a question. And it's some serious chiz.

Why the hay is raspberry spelled with a P? No one says "Here… have a rasPPPPPPPPPPberry." At least I hope no one says that… Because if you do, we can no longer be friends. So sorry. 

Anyways… As you all know I had a little tooth issue the other day… {click for pink mustaches! And to know what happened.} Anything cold in my mouth felt so heavenly. Luckily the day after getting my tooth pulled, the pain had eased… And it just felt like my cheek was the size of a basketball. No big deal.

When I felt up to it, I decided to make sorbet. It has fruit in it guys, therefore it is healthy. Plus the lot 'a sugar but it's only for your sake, I promise. So go and do your happy dance! 

When I found some frozen raspberries at the store last week, I was SO excited. And I just so happened
to have a humongolous amount of lemons in the fruit bowl. I knew exactly what I was going to whip up…

Lemon Raspberry Sorbet, that's what.

Oh also umm… I pretty much {totally} made this recipe up on my own. Yup. And wanna know what it tastes like? The lemon ice with raspberries on top from Culvers… YUM! It's legit. 

Lemon Raspberry Sorbet

2 c. white sugar
2 c. water
4 c. frozen raspberries {I'm sure you could use fresh ones}
1 tbsp. honey
5 tbsp. fresh lemon juice 

In a small saucepan, bring the water and sugar to a boil. 
Once it's cooled, puree the raspberries, honey, and lemon juice in a blender. 
Add in the simple syrup. Pour the mixture into a freezer safe container 
{I used a pie pan and covered it with tin foil.} 

Have you checked out me Julie's Unique Sweets dessert challenge?
Head on over to learn the deats.


  1. Ooh, Sophie, this looks totally refreshing. Here in Sacramento it's reaching 100 degrees so I could definitely EASILY bury my face in a bowl of this. Yum! Hope your tooth feels better and congrats on the frying challenge! Fish tacos are a California specialty :)

  2. Mmmmm! looks yummy! I'm hosting a linky party "One Creative Weekend" at I'd love for you to visit and link up this idea and/or anything else you'd like to share.

  3. Delish! Thanks for sharing! We would love to have you link up with our party!


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