

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownies

Let me start off by saying, I hate African baking ingredients and 40 year old ovens. {yah we got an upgrade.}

All because of crappy brown sugar and butter that tastes like plastic, it seems like nothing I've been making lately turns out just right.

Oh wait. Except for these miracles.

But it's seriously super irritating! And I take it personally. WHYYYYY must these ovens hate me, so?

I always get ooberly excited when I find a delicious {looking} recipe to try… And then I make it and I'm either like "Oh my gosh that does not look right." or "HALLELUJAH! For once something actually worked!!!" Usually it's the first one.

Ok so we got a new oven yesterday… It really isn't much better than the one we had before that was around when dinosaurs roamed the earth. EXCEPT for the fact that it's electric and not gas.

Anyways. I whipped up the brownie mix just like it's glorious little package told me to… When I checked on them the top was already burnt. WHAT THE HAYYYYYY? They were in there for like 5 minutes. I'm for serious here.

So I got a little mad. Maybe threw a fit, got some brownie batter in my hair, and threw a bunch of baking utensils around the kitchen… You know. Same-o-Same-o.

Then I made the cookie dough thinking "seriously. No-bake cookie dough is totally fool-proof." Right? Wrong. The so-said crappy brown sugar and plastic butter made it taste weird. So I added some extra 'nilla and problemo solved!

They go in the fridge to chill… I take them out. Cut into them. And what do I find? Somehow the butt of the brownie is raw. By this point I'm totally bathing in a fountain of immature tears.

So my mom suggests putting them back in the oven for a few minutes so the bottom will {hopefully} cook through… I'm desperate. The brownies go in.

AND NOWWWWWWWWW. I just took them out. And they are little chunks of happiness just a fork, handful, or spatula away. Hallelujah amen, thank you Lord!

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownies
Slightly Adapted From//Brown Eyed Baker

1 brownie mix {or your favorite homemade brownie recipe}

¾ cup unsalted butter
¾ cup light brown sugar
¾ cup granulated sugar
3 tablespoons whole milk
1½ teaspoons vanilla extract
1½ cups all-purpose flour
1½ cups chocolate chips

Prepare the brownie mix. Set aside until cooled.

In a medium bowl, combine the butter and both sugars. Add the milk and vanilla and mix until combined. Mix in the flour just until combined. Using a rubber spatula, stir in the chocolate chips.
Spread the cookie dough over the brownies. Refrigerate until firm. {In my book, the colder the better!}

*Note: If for some reason, you have the same issue with your brownies not cooking through, know that you can pop everything back into the oven for a few minutes until it's done. I thought the cookie dough was still GREAT!!



  1. They look amazing....even if they were a huge pain. I love me some brownies and cookie dough!

  2. These look soooo good! I've pinned this to my Food board so I can easily find it. I'm going to have to make these one day. Also, I am your newest follower via GFC.

    I'd love for you to link this up to my link party, Cooking and Crafts.


  3. brownies and cookie dough are a win - no matter how difficult:)

  4. They look delish. Sorry you're having so much trouble though. Boo to bad butter!

  5. Plastic butter? That just doesn't sound right at all...I can understand the pain!!!! But the end bars looks super duper me some brownies and cookie dough!!!

  6. These look so good!! I love brownies + cookie dough!

  7. I'm confused. Do you bake these or not?


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