

Unique Sweets {Link Love}

It's HERE! Our Unique Sweets link party! Julie and I are INSANELY excited to see what ya'll have come up with! And I personally, still can't believe that my little teensy-tiny idea turned into all this goodness! It's going to be such a blast! A great time to step out of your comfort zone {in terms of baking} and meet some new bloggy friends… It doesn't get much better than that, now does it?

My Happy Place...

The rundown:
-Your entry can be a new or old post (it can be someone else's recipe, but YOU must make it, take the your pictures, and link to whoever you got the recipe from.)
-Your entries must be linked up from July 1st @ 12:01am to July 22nd 11:59pm PST
*Must follow to both of us
-We'd LOVE if you have the challenge button in your post (or on your sidebar)
-Please encourage readers to enter the challenge and to visit our blogs to check out the other participants as well.
-Fancy schmancy desserts only - Something out of the ordinary! It could be a classic with a CRAZY twist on it, be full of exotic flavors or require some serious technical skills. 
-Participants need to amplify the giveaway at least once – mention it on a separate blog post, twitter, facebook, pinterest (pinning their recipe/another recipe)

Unique Sweets Schedule:
Submissions are open July 1st-22nd
Our awesome judging panel will be judging your creations July 23rd-29thth
And the winners will be announced on July 31st

And there ya have it! On your marks… get set… LINK!!!


  1. What a fun idea! I am so glad I found you and this (through White Lights on Wednesday) Thank you for such a fun linky party.

  2. It will be fun seeing what great ideas people post! Thanks for the invite and thanks for hosting!

  3. Thank you for hosting the linky party!

  4. What a fun party!! Thanks for hosting and now I am off to meet, greet and follow Julie.
    PS I am now following you via GFC

  5. How fun! Happily shared my cupcakes :-) I did a shout out on my facebook and on twitter (@kathewithane123)!

  6. Hi ladies! I'm so happy to have you all participating. Judging starts tomorrow!! Ahhhh!!!


Thanks so much for taking a moment or two of your time to leave a comment! I love 'em!